Elisabeth Carter

Hi there! I’m Elisabeth Carter, a communications and marketing professional, and Founder and Director of Crossbeam Communications.


About Elisabeth

Elisabeth Carter is...

...a communications and marketing professional with more than a decade of experience in the non-profit sector.

…founder and director of Crossbeam Communications, a creative agency for Christian organisations and churches.

...a Christian, saved by grace, going to church in northwest Sydney.

...married to Ryan, mum of Annalise and living #happilyevercarter in Sydney.

...an introvert, sun safety nagger, pasta fiend, true crime podcast fan and (most importantly) a cat person.



Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications), University of Sydney 

Short courses and seminars

Digital Fundraising, FIA (2018)

Copywriting Advanced, ADMA (2017) 

Writing a Winning Grant Application, Centre for Continuing Education USYD (2017)

Writing Donor-Centered Websites with Tom Ahern, Nonprofit Marketing Guide (2017)

Storytelling Workshop with Simon Oats, Cavill + Co (2017)


Contributing writer, Unshakeable: Following Jesus in your teens and beyond, CEP 2017


 Elisabeth is the Founder and Director of Crossbeam Communications, a creative agency for Christian organisations and churches.

If you believe that Jesus is Lord, and that truth compels your work, then Crossbeam is the agency for you.

Click here to find out more about Crossbeam.

